Dr. Faisal Kashif has devised a non-invasive method for measuring the intra-cranial pressure for his PhD thesis at Massachusetts Institute of Information Technology (MIT).
Recording of Intracranial pressure ( pressure inside the skull ) is very necessary in injuries, tumours of the brain to know its viability & blood supply. But the current methods are invasive & require drilling a hole in the skull.
But Dr. Kashif has came up with a way to measure the pressure on basis of physical signs & then analysing them through a mathematical model.
His team is soon going to develop a machine for it.
Brief Intro of Dr. Kashif is, he did his engineering from Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Technology (GIKI) & was also awarded 2 gold medals. He then went on for PhD at MIT through HEC's scholarship. In April 2011, Dr. Faisal Kashif won MIT’s Helen Carr Peake research prize for his contribution to the field of bio-engineering. His research work was also declared as “Most Innovative Research” at the Innovation Congress 2009, Boston, US.
Source: Dawn.com